Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Principle of figure

  Policy Decision of QMDJ magical Figure is a comprehensive verge subject used in decision behavior which takes dialectical materialism as basis, ology theory as coordinate, ancient digit as foundation, modern teaching theory as guide and works for the purpose of social benefit and economic interest. Policy Decision of QMDJ magical Figure which our students at home and abroad and we have proved through practice and summed up about thousands times is a subject directly used in management of industrial-commercial enterprises as well various decisions. Now entrepreneurs from many countries and areas such as America ,England, France, Japan, South Rok, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia. Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and so on are apprenticed for study and they are applying it to managements and policy decisions flexibly.

  QMDJ magical figure uses time and space to research law of the thing’ transformation and development, substitute the ten Arabic numbers for thing’s transformation and development. Its inherent principle gives expression to space-time outlook on philosophy, apply closely the changing logic of xiang shu , reveal the law of object’s changing and development, include the whole systematic idea of object, included the holographic information theory of universe, summarize the model of the universe’s statistics.

1. Give expression to space-time outlook on philosophy

Space-time is the fundamental problem of the philosophy, it’s also the fundamental principle on which QMDJ magical figure analyze objects.

  Lie Ning , the revolutionary teacher , once said:“there is nothing except for the moving objects, and the moving objects can move if only that it’s in time and space” The development of anything must be in time and space to advance. Time is the sequence, continuity and internal of the development of object, the elapse of time is going ahead never to return; space is the stretch of object itself. In the objective world, the only existed form of changing and development of objects is exactly the transformation and changing of space-time. Different space-time and different conditions of the object’ development, can make different results of the object’s development.

For example, at 13:30 on 28th January 1986, it was time for the United States“challenger” mark space shuttle to flight for the 10th time, after ignited the rocket propeller, due to the tremendous fire, “challenger” mark space shuttle flight quickly with long tail in red fire drawing a beautiful curve in the blue air. It drove straight to the outer space at a speed of two thousands miles an hour that is triple the velocity of sound. All the workers and ten thousands spectators applauded with cheers for the successful launching. However while going up the sky for one minute fourteen seconds, leaving the ground 50,000high hours in foots, it suddenly fired. The huge monster that cost USDs 1,200,000,000, weight 75ton, carry seven pilots exploded absurdly, the wreckage trailing the thick smoke fell into the Atlantic Ocean, 20miles from the blast-off location. Fragment elephant like meteor spread and fell in the Ocean surface, it kept on for an hour. Several thousands viewers felt puzzle at first, secondly blanked as wooden chicken, then agonized to extreme, at last, they were all of a tremble. The whole United States immediately immersed in unusually solemn and peaceful atmosphere. Television station from areas broadcast the national song in succession. Flags in trains, ships and various big buildings were hoisted half-mast high. Comfort letters from the world-wide states flied forwards there like snow, Chinese chairman Li Xian nian also rang the president Lincoln to mourn over pilots' death. Through TV program that day evening, the president Lincoln declared sorrowfully to American: “today is a day of mourning and commemoration ……”

The third day after the disaster taken place, someone who was living in the United States rang our master Guru to ask about the relation between this disaster and space-time. He also told the history and condition of“challenger” mark, it was the second space shuttle made in the United States, compared with“Ge Lun Bi Ya” mark, there are some improvements in its equipment, structure; some enhancements in hot prevention and reinforcement; reduction in weight. Before shooting it, the ex-technical personnel had checked it time and time again, but why did it explode absurdly? Deducing with QMDJ magical figure, this failure have something to do with the shooting’ space-time. It started on 5th January 1986, from the starting day to the applied day, there are 24 days, we consult south (shoot the space shuttle with rocket, south means fire, so we deduce it by this direction) the figure is 28121, we analyze it according to the outline of judgment.
  The first number 2: preparations are not in perfection, great changes will occurred on its way. This indicates that there will be variety hard to expect in the blast-off process and it will develop in the contrary direction.
  The second number8: Affair will turn to good from bad, it’s disadvantageous for the moving thing, fear to suffer more loss. January, April, July and October are the best. It may be said “moving” that the space shuttle goes up the sky, then it suffers the loss easily, it shows the disadvantage of the blast-off. But it is in January that the blast-off started, which indicates the success at the beginning of the blast-off. Here both luck and evil is in half.
  The third number1: A hundred of matters are lucky, because this number fearing masculine, especially the place of southern pure masculine, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. This shows that the “challenger” mark can go up the sky, but it will develop in the bad direction.
  The combination of the second number with third number is 81: 8 and 1 face totally three whitely, it’s apparently favorable but actually harmful; things are repeatedly and indefinite, shipping in belly is just the tuition; Planning an undertaking will prove invalid either at home or outside, as the bird flies in to recruit; affair will fail if luck don’t come, even guard against being bullied by bandits in process. It indicates that the blast-off can’ t succeed, the toil and expenses are just to hand over “tuition” for accumulating experience.
  Combining the forth number and the fifth number result in 21: it's favorable for feminine but masculine, affairs are in harm. This also indicates that it’s hard for this shooting of “challenger” mark to reach destination as expected.

  Here is the analysis based on the rate of the figure’s luck and harm: the first number predicts to account for 40% of the successful rate, the second number predicts to account for 20% the successful rate, the third number accounts for 20% of the successful rate, the combination of the second number with the third number accounts for 10% of the successful rate, the combination of the fourth number and the fifth number accounts for 10%of the successful rate. Synthesizing the rates above, the successful rate of the shooting accounts for 30%, it can succeed only if changing the time of the shooting. The failure of the shooting of the United States “challenger” mark space shuttle explained that the space-time is inseparable with the changing and development of the object. Space-time decides the developing form and result of the object. It's also the verification for this shooting of “affair will fail if luck don’t come”, destroying machine and losing officers are just to hand over“school fees”.

2. Apply closely the changing logic of xiang shu

  QMDJ magical figure is in full accord with logical deduction, denies theology idealism and ancient feudal superstitions belief, these are why it can predict the future and guide decision. Xiang shu represents certain time and space, both the ancient astronomy, calendar and prediction speak xiang shu, even use it to explain the various regulation of heaven, earth and humanity. According to dialectical materialism, xiang shu is derived from the most specific and fundamental material. Just as En Ge si said in Denying Du Lin: the concept of shu and xiang is not from anywhere else but from the realistic world”, material is specific, real, visible and touched. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 add a number of QMDJ magical figure is generalized from various Wu Xiang. It returns the summarization from various Wu Xiang in the world to specific Wu Xiang world taking the seat to the number, that’s the reason why it can predict.
  The foundation of the changing deduction of Xiang Shu is “wu xing(water,soil,wood ,fire and gold)sheng ke zhi hua ”in order to help readers to comprehension and apple it, we abridge this process, only write the result of “sheng ke zhi hua”, “sheng ke zhi hua” shows the principle of the connection, dependence and infiltration of the two contradictory aspects in the world. Both parties of many opposite self-contradict relations such as cold and hot, day and night, life and death are conceived, take place, develop, grow, prosperous and decline in “wu xing sheng ke zhi hua ”. This kind of self-contradict results in the mutual conversion: the happiness changes into the disaster, or the disaster changes into happiness, moving in circles forever. Now, we illustrate the accuracy of the changing deduction of xiang shu with the following example. Such as at 3:30 PM on August 28th 1945, Mao Zedong , Zhou Ee lai, Wang Ruo fei and the delegate to the Kuomintang government Zhang Zhi zhong took a special airplane belonging to He Er li , the United States ambassador to china, landed in Chong Qing. It drew back the prologue that the Communist Party and the Kuomintang will talk peacefully and Jiang Jie shi will fail. The base of the Communist Party of china was in Yan An, we analyze in the northeast direction; the base of the Kuomintang was in ChongQing, we analyze in the southwest direction, according to the reasoning regulation of figure, we get the result: the figure in northeast is 31680, in southwest is 79497. Placing these discrete numbers to reality, we get the deductions as below: northeast is auspicious, favorable for strategy, correcting the law and executing prisoners, more favorable for development here.
  The southeast aspect is very depressing, stopping in process, more strategies but few can succeed; its opponent is very vigorous, the information has emerged and the failed situation has been formed. This is just a real example that reasons thing’s developing tendency from the deduction of the starting xiang shu. Seeing from another angle, it’s hard to imitate that chairman Mao Ze dong chooses time while meeting matter and his superb level to foresee and analyze matters, the history has verified this point.

3. Reveal the law of the object’ change and development

  Every thing in the world is changing for ever, the new alternate with the old, throw up the old and take in the new never stop. And they are in parabola shape, the object changes as soon as it develops to the top, then, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. The five numbers in per set of QMDJ magical figure is not fabricated without foundation. It predicts the changing development condition of all things in the cosmos, according to the changes between dark and bright of the sun, moon and stars in the sky, the vicissitudes of the mountain, river and plant in the earth, the regulation of humanity’ birth ,age, illness and death.
  QMDJ magical figure uses different analytic methods when facing different thing, it will get different results, that’s to say, things are similar but not the same, it’s dialectical regulation. This kind of regulation is decided by the self-contradict circumstance and certain term around it. In the realistic society, the conditions around every thing are complicated. There is no chance to find a condition that is up to the standard and same completely. Therefore, it’s by means to be same for the forms of changing laws, even the same thing. For this reason, while we predict the changing future of realistic object in the light of QMDJ magical figure, we can only point a general common direction, and we can’t use it as a fixed dead formula to predict the changing development of object when referring to some process, person and time etc. as to specific detailed development process, we shall make a further knowledge, understanding and analysis on the basis of the relevant changes of conditions outside and the developing process of realistic object in order to increase the accuracy of practical application. After all “flower resembles year by year, but the person are different”

4. Include the whole systematic idea of object

  System is an entirety made up of objects connecting and depending on each other. Each thing exists within certain scope. All of them are derived from big entirety. They control, depend on and breed each other. QMDJ magical figure has this kind of qualification, it separates time into innumerable equal portions –equal portions in age and equal portions in different tail number of the same age. It separates space into nine equal portions by east, south, north, southeast, northwest and the center. Its analysis about object is divided according to systematic conception of space-time. For example, at 3:50 PM on November 3rd 1996, Pecking Guo An Team proceeded to a football match with Mountain Tai Team of Shan Dong in Pecking. Now we predict which team will succeed and which team will fail according to the starting time and space. Because the match was held in Pecking, we analyze Pecking Team with the center figure; the address of the Shan Dong Team is in the direction of southeast, therefore, we analyze this team with southeast figure. According to space-time system of QMDJ magical figure, the center (Pecking Team) figure is 18684, the southeast (Shan Dong Team) figure is 36203. We analyze both teams one by one to see the result.
  Pecking Team: 18684. The first number1: behavior meets its number, every thing is just fine. Grandfather said“all thing will succeed when meeting1”, it shows that the successful rate has accounted for 40%. The second number8: turn to good from bad and its opponent will surrender. It indicates that it can defeat opponent then succeed, it’s successful rate accounts for 20%. The third number6: be favorable for planning great undertaking, all’s satisfactory, this indicates that the successful rate accounts for 20% once more. The combination of the second number with the third number is 86: presages that the successful rate is very high, accounting for 10%. The combination of the fifth number with the sixth number is 84: more favorable for engaging in trade, both luck and evil are in half, the successful rate accounts for 5%. Above all, the successful rate of Pecking Team accounts for 95%, there is no doubt that it’s the winner.
  Shan Dong Team is 36203: The first number3: be happy for being promoted, it presages that the hope of success is existed, but also it’s accompanied with villains. This presages that the success rate accounts for 30%. The second number6: be favorable for the pubic but for personal affair, there is possibility of success. All’s better in autumn, but winter and summer is unfavorable for thing. November belongs to the winter, then, it’s unfavorable for thing. Then the successful rate can records 10%. The third number2: bode ill rather than well, the thing develop slowly extremely, successful possibility records 2%. The combination of the second number with the third number is 62: it bodes that the judge is strict with this party, it’s hard for it to gain the idea. Successful rate can accounts for 2%. The combination of the fourth number with fifth number is 93: thing will turn good from bad. All is satisfactory. The successful probability of this can record10%. According to comprehensive analysis, the successful rate of Shan Dong Team can account for 45%, which proves definitely inferior comparing with the 95% of Pecking Team. It’s just the fact. From this example, we can see that the systematic theory of lius figure plays a special role in sports tournament and playing chess.
  There is certain system and connection between the occurrence and the development of the object. We have rules to be followed.

5. Include the holographic information theory of universe

  Holographic information is that part reflects entirety, section shines upon developing process, which means that a point can reflect any guess of its whole personality, appearance, nature, state as well as its developing tendency and process by inferring the inside from the outside for every thing. For example, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine reach a conclusion on the cause, condition, kind of illness according to vibration of the pulse; doctors trained in western medicine check chick chemical element is in lack according to the hair of the child; The ministry of public security deduce the age, sex, habit, region, job personality, personal hobby, crime motive of the person concerned in the light of the hair, tooth, fingerprint, footprint etc left over in the scene of crime.
  QMDJ magical figure regards the holographic information theory as foundation, and stands for the changes of the nature, humanity and thing, also reflects the holographic information of universe in line with the changes of space-time, then provides a set of contracting, regular holographic information thought method. For example, at 1:30 noon on September 30th 1995, the director Gao of some bureau of HaiKou came to my hole where I stayed during my trip to predict his luck in madding money, he sit in the northwest of the parlor as soon as he came in, on the basis of checking table, the number is "19241". Here is the analytic conclusion: good luck in making money, there are some favorable business information recently, conduct two transactions on local specialty successfully, or it will stop in the process; the magnate will help voluntarily while the operation is in difficulty, the affair can succeed in next month. Just speaking to here, one male relative of his more than 20 years old came to say: “uncle, I want to be away on official business, my ID card is at your home, I’d take it away”. In the light of being asked for ID card, one of his partners would quit. Director Gao said immediately“how magical, at the beginning, the partnership contained three persons, after two months, a partner quit really, now I have one partner”.
  The holographic information of universe reflects: some body asking for ID card while predicting business indicates that some one will quit from the participating, ID card is just person.
  Holographic information of universe exists in each thing each matter at any time. For another example, on August 4th 1995, Zhou Kou Daily reported about uncommon astronomical phenomena:
  Wu Bao hong said:“at ten in the evening of 26th July, while I was chatting with Li Fa etc in front of the gate, Li Fa cried with pleasant surprising:‘look, what is that?’’, we jerked and raised our heads to look at it. We saw a white diaphragm like plate at so-called ladle in northern star (the village call ladle star), the white light which is spurting outwardly is in the hemicycle shape, it expanded outwardly turn by turn and mistily gradually, keeping on about 8 minutes in front and back, at last disappeared. But the stars covered by its white light turn dark from clear and then disappeared along with it finally, they didn’t appear again till midnight”. Witness: Wu Bao hong.

Seeing this report, director Wang Sanchong of Shang Shui country party committee policy research institute asked me to deduce the luck and evil of social development according to this uncommon phenomena. On the basis of the discovering time, we deduced the figure: 61111, here is the analytic conclusion in line with figure: there is flood in north fall. National economy will suffer great losses, robbers harass in winter, social is in disorder. When this deduction was over, director Wang clipped the report and deducing conclusion from the Daily Paper and pasted it in his notebook. A week later, comrade Zhang of the personnel bureau of YingKou developing area in Liao Ning rang to enquire the condition about the research, republication and use of lius figure. In order to certify it for further, the writer asked especially if there are flood. Comrade Zhang said: “now there are heavy flood that seldom seen in the last ten several years, the losses have been great, now all organizations, industry-mines and troops are in the forefront to combat a flood and go to the rescue hurry” From this example, we can see the universality of holographic information of universe and the accuracy on prediction of QMDJ magical figure.

6. Summarize the model of the universe’s statistics

  Statistics is an information science, which takes the total of phenomena as research object, regards quantity analysis as mail method. Through statistic design, collecting statistic information as well as the analysis and prediction on total quantity characteristic, statistics can reveal the total natural connection and the changing development of phenomena, then provides foundation for scientific research and management, policy for social economy. Statistic information has become the corpus of social economic information due to its inclusive and practical.
  The research process and arrangement in order of lius figure is the generality and statistics of Chinese ancient cosmos information, nine stars eight diagrams, five elements of masculine and feminine etc. its 360 days, 4320 hours, 388880 sets of numbers, its different number in different place of different meanings, and the summarized statistic system are the biggest in scale in the world we can see at present, it’s also the most ancient statistical chart about masculine-feminine knowledge. It’s completely provided with nature of entirety, quantity ,society and regulation.

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