Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The discoursing upon figure from celebrities

It is the marvelous of mathematics that it reveals the influence of mathematical fascination on that we live, and help you to discover mathematics where you can’s think most. Mathematical thought is made up of imaginations. Mathematical idea exists in another would, Its object is made from pure logic and productivity. Yet our world just has the representative object of mathematical object.   -------[America] Xi Ao Ni·Pa Pa Si
   Any mathematical branches will be applied in every kind of phenomenon of the realistic world regardless of abstract they are.   -------Ni Gu LaLuo Qie Ba Fu Si Ji
  The number rules the cosmos   -------Pythagroras
The god creates integral, all the rest numbers are artificial   -------L·Ke Long Nei Ke

  See the world in a sand, see the sky in a wild flower, analyze the everlasting in your palm heart, control the permanence in one hour and hold the success in a figure.
                    -------Wei Lian·Bu Lai Ke
  More calculation results in success, few calculation result sin failure, much less have no calculation? I see it on this point, both victory and defeat is seen  -------Grandson.
  It’s the mathematics that stands for god to speak the genuine condition
  Have “number” in the chest. It means noticing the basic quantitative and direction of condition and problem. Have the basic quantitative analysis
        ------Mao Ze dong Working Method For Party Committee

For more information about the seminar, courses and services details pls don't hesiate to call 012-39 16841 / 012-3733660

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